Leads into Deals: “The Checklist” for Closing Big Deals

Congratulations! You've secured a lead with a potentially high-value client. But turning that lead into a paying customer requires a strategic approach. This guide provides a clear roadmap to navigate the process and maximize your chances of success.

We'll break it down into three essential steps, each equipped with actionable items and answers to the follow-up questions you might have.

  1. Assess the Opportunity: Before diving in, gather intel! Learn where the lead originated, research their industry's current challenges, and identify key decision-makers. The follow-up questions will guide you in evaluating their budget range, project types, and specific needs to ensure they're a good fit for your services.
  2. Research and Preparation: Now that you understand the landscape, it's time to position yourself as the ideal solution. Deep-dive into their company website and social media to grasp their culture and goals. Craft a compelling value proposition that directly addresses their pain points. Here, the provided questions will help you uncover industry trends, analyze competitor strategies, and tailor your message for maximum impact.
  3. Craft Your Initial Contact: The first impression is crucial! Determine their preferred communication channel and personalize your message with a specific reference to their company or recent news. Clearly showcase your value proposition and how you can benefit them. Finally, set a clear goal for the interaction, whether it's scheduling a call or requesting a meeting. The follow-up questions will help you refine your outreach strategy, ensuring you present yourself professionally and confidently.

Ready to put these steps into action? Let's dive in.

This checklist provides a clear and actionable framework to guide you through each step, ensuring you don't miss a crucial detail in securing that big deal.

1. Assess the Opportunity (√):

  • Review the lead source (e.g., website form, referral).
  • Check their website for budget indicators (e.g., client logos, project descriptions).
  • Research their industry publications or news articles to understand their challenges (https://www.investopedia.com/).
  • Identify key decision-makers using LinkedIn or company websites.


  • How did you come across this lead? Knowing the source can help tailor your approach. Referrals might be warmer leads requiring less initial groundwork, while someone who stumbled upon your work through a search engine optimization (SEO) placement might need more context about your services.
  • Do the logos of their existing clients suggest a budget range or project type that aligns with your ideal customer profile? Company logos can function as a visual reference, potentially indicating the types of clients they typically work with. For example, if you see logos of large corporations on their website, this might suggest they have a higher budget compared to a company showcasing logos of local businesses. Similarly, the projects they mention for these clients might shed light on the complexity of work they handle. By comparing this information to your ideal client profile, you can assess if this lead is a good fit.
  • What are their current industry challenges? In addition to industry publications and news articles, consider searching industry association websites, attending relevant webinars or conferences, or listening to industry podcasts. These resources can provide insights into the challenges facing businesses in the specific industry of your potential client.
  • Who holds the buying power? Identify the key decision-makers by reviewing the company website (look for leadership teams or contact information for relevant departments), searching LinkedIn for individuals with titles that suggest buying authority (e.g., CEO, CFO, VP of Sales & Marketing), or utilizing tools like ZoomInfo or DiscoverOrg (paid services that provide detailed sales intelligence data).

👉 Read more on this topic in our "Assessing your Lead: Research Like a Pro" article.

2. Research and Preparation (√):

  • Visit their company website and social media profiles.
  • Set up Google Alerts for their company name and industry keywords.
  • Review recent industry reports or analyst insights relevant to their business (https://www.statista.com/).
  • Identify past projects or successes that align with their services.
  • Craft a value proposition that speaks directly to their pain points.


  • What information is available on their website and social media about their company culture, mission statements, and recent projects? Look for clues about their values, goals, and the types of projects they're most excited about. This can help you tailor your initial contact to show that you understand their business and its priorities.
  • Can you prepare some open-ended questions to learn more about their specific challenges and aspirations? For example, you could ask:
    • "What are some of the biggest growth opportunities you see for your business in the coming year?"
    • "What are some of the biggest challenges you're currently facing in [relevant area]?"
    • "What would an ideal solution look like for you?"
    • "How are you currently measuring success in [relevant area]?"
    • By asking open-ended questions, you demonstrate your interest in their unique needs and encourage a conversation rather than a one-sided pitch.
  • What industry trends or challenges are they facing based on Google Alerts and a tool like Perplexity.ai? Perplexity.ai is a research and conversational search engine that can provide deeper insights and analysis beyond basic news articles. By entering their company name and industry keywords, you can uncover emerging trends, expert opinions, and discussions about the challenges they might be facing. This can help you demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of their situation and position yourself as a thought leader.
  • What insights can industry reports offer about their specific market? Use data to support your understanding of their needs.
  • Can you showcase past successes with similar clients? Tailor your portfolio to focus on projects that directly address the lead's needs. This will resonate more powerfully than generic case studies. Case studies and testimonials build trust and credibility.
  • How will your value proposition address their specific challenges? Tailor your message to their unique pain points. It might be too soon too judge specifically about the solution but thinking ahead and aligning your services with their needs puts you already above and beyond the positions of not knowing what to focus on on your first call or email. Thinking a few steps ahead always pays off.

3. Craft Your Initial Contact (√):

  • Identify their preferred communication channel (listed on website, email signature, etc.).
  • Personalize your message with a specific reference to their company or recent news.
  • Clearly state your value proposition and how you can benefit them.
  • Set a specific goal for the initial interaction (e.g., schedule a call, request a meeting).
  • Proofread your message carefully before sending.


  • How do they prefer to be contacted? Respect their communication preferences for a better response rate.
  • Can you reference a specific achievement or challenge they mentioned? Personalization shows you've done your research.
  • How will your services directly benefit their business? Quantify your value proposition whenever possible.
  • What is your desired outcome from the initial contact? Having a clear goal keeps your message focused.

Bonus Tips:

  • Develop Qualification Criteria: Establish benchmarks (industry, size, decision-making) to identify ideal leads. (Action Item: Create a document outlining your ideal client profile).
  • Follow Up with Consistency: Schedule follow-up calls or emails if you don't hear back initially. (Action Item: Set calendar reminders for follow-up attempts).

By following these steps and addressing the follow-up questions, you'll be well-equipped to impress your potential client and close that big deal!

You don't need to do them all. Consider these as playlist, not just another to-do marathon you need to overcome. If you cover most of the action items you are already better then getting in front of your potential client without any preparation.