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The Benefits of Proposal Software for Marketing Agencies

From faster creation to more client wins, see how the right tools can save you time and boost your results.


If you run a marketing agency, you know that creating proposals can be a real challenge.

Between managing multiple clients and trying to keep everything on-brand, the process can quickly become overwhelming.

And yet, proposals are key to landing new business, so you can’t afford to cut corners.

This is where proposal software comes in.

It simplifies the entire process, cutting down on time and effort while ensuring each proposal looks polished and professional. With automated templates and easy personalization, you’ll go from spending hours on proposals to creating them in minutes—without sacrificing quality.

In this post, we’ll explore how proposal software can help marketing agencies like yours work smarter, improve client communication, and, most importantly, win more business.

Why do marketing agencies need proposal software?

Marketing agencies operate in a fast-paced environment, where customization, efficiency, and client acquisition are essential to success. 

From managing multiple campaigns to pitching new clients, your team is constantly balancing creativity with deadlines. And when it comes to proposals, the pressure to deliver high-quality, personalized documents—quickly—can feel like an impossible task. 

This is exactly where proposal software can transform the way you work.

Here are the key reasons why marketing agencies should invest in proposal software.

1) Proposal software speeds up the proposal creation

Creating proposals for every client can be time-consuming, especially when you’re constantly reformatting or entering the same information over and over. 

Proposal software solves this by automating repetitive tasks, freeing you up to focus on what matters most.

Here’s how it helps.

Automate repetitive tasks

Instead of starting from scratch each time, proposal software provides automated templates that handle tasks like formatting, client data input, and pricing.

Whether it's a pricing table or project timeline, these sections are pre-configured and ready to go — just customize the details for each client.

Maintaining speed and quality

By automating key sections, you ensure consistency and professionalism in every proposal. Pre-built templates reduce errors and make sure your proposals are always on-brand, all while speeding up the process.

Easy collaboration

With built-in collaboration tools, your team can work on the same document in real-time, making edits and updates without emailing drafts back and forth. This simplifies the review and revision process, saving time and hassle.

In short, proposal software helps you create faster, more consistent proposals without the manual effort. 

You’ll be able to deliver high-quality proposals quickly and spend more time where it counts — building client relationships.

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2) Proposal software helps improve proposal consistency

From branding to messaging, clients expect a seamless experience across every touchpoint—including your proposals. 

This is where proposal software shines. 

By using templates and automation tools, you can ensure that every proposal you send out follows a consistent structure, tone, and branding, which not only saves time but also reinforces your agency’s professionalism.

Consistent structure, every time

With proposal software, you don’t have to worry about missing sections or inconsistent formatting. 

Each proposal template comes pre-loaded with essential sections — like introductions, pricing tables, deliverables, and terms & conditions — so you always follow a clear and professional layout. 

This ensures that no matter who on your team is working on the proposal, it will look polished and well-organized.

Branded and on-message

Your brand’s voice is your signature, and maintaining that across every proposal is critical. Proposal software allows you to create branded templates that include your agency’s logo, fonts, colors, and messaging style, ensuring that every proposal feels like a natural extension of your company’s identity. This consistency builds client trust, as they see you as professional, reliable, and detail-oriented.

How consistency builds client trust

When a client sees a consistently high-quality proposal—one that’s well-structured and on-brand—it signals that your agency is organized, detail-focused, and capable of delivering at a professional level. This sense of reliability builds confidence in your ability to manage their projects with the same level of care.

To sum up, proposal software helps you maintain consistency across all client proposals — both in structure and brand messaging — ultimately boosting your credibility and professionalism.

3) Proposal software saves you loads of time

Let’s be real — running a marketing agency means wearing a million hats at once. 

Between client calls, campaign management, and chasing new leads, who has hours to spend crafting proposals from scratch? That’s where proposal software steps in, ready to save you time, energy, and a lot of headaches. 

With the right tools in place, you can cut proposal creation time in half and focus on what you really love — building creative strategies and connecting with clients.

Proposals in minutes, not hours

Picture this: instead of scrambling to format and piece together a new proposal every time, you open a pre-built template with all your essential sections — like pricing, deliverables, and timelines — already laid out. 

All you have to do is plug in your client-specific info. It’s like having a cheat sheet for every proposal, saving you tons of time and ensuring everything looks polished and professional. 

No more starting from scratch!

Proposal software speeds up proposal creation

Use content libraries for reusable content

We all have parts of our proposals we reuse: case studies, testimonials, service descriptions — you name it. Rather than copy-pasting from old documents, a content library lets you store this reusable content in one easy-to-access place. 

Just drag and drop what you need, and bam — you’ve just saved yourself 20 minutes of scrolling through past proposals. 

And the best part? It keeps everything consistent, which means fewer mistakes and less back-and-forth.

Automate time-consuming tasks with software

Here’s where things get really exciting: automation. 

Proposal software can handle tasks like pricing calculations, client data entry, and even send follow-up reminders—all without you lifting a finger. 

Imagine spending zero time adjusting pricing tables or manually typing in client details. Automation does it all for you. 

That means faster proposals, fewer errors, and more time for the high-level tasks that need your focus, like crafting winning strategies or meeting with clients.

How marketing agencies save time and win more clients

Let’s say you’re an agency managing multiple projects at once. 

Without proposal software, your team could spend hours putting together each proposal — time that could be better spent refining campaign strategies or pitching to new clients. 

By automating the repetitive parts and using pre-built templates, you cut that time drastically. One agency reported that after adopting proposal software, they were able to send out proposals 50% faster and close deals with new clients much more quickly. 

That’s not just saving time — it’s driving growth.

The bottom line is — proposal software doesn’t just save time — it frees you up to focus on what really matters. 

With pre-built templates, content libraries, and automation, you’ll deliver proposals faster and with less effort, all while spending more time growing your agency and impressing your clients.

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Key benefits of proposal software for marketing agencies

When you’re juggling multiple clients and trying to stand out from the competition, crafting the perfect proposal can feel like an uphill battle. That’s where proposal software like Propoze steps in to save the day. 

Not only does it simplify the process, but it helps you work smarter, not harder. 

Let’s break down how it can make your life easier—and help you win more clients in the process.

Benefit #1: Better team collaboration

When multiple people are working on a proposal, things can get chaotic fast. 

Different versions floating around, constant back-and-forth on Slack, last-minute changes — it’s a mess.

But with the right proposal software, collaboration becomes a breeze. You can simplify everything, from real-time edits to instant feedback, making teamwork smoother, faster, and — dare we say — enjoyable.

You work together in real-time

Tired of asking, “Who has the latest version?” With proposal software, everyone works on the same document in real-time. No confusion, no missteps. Just a smooth collaboration.

For example, your designer polishes the proposal’s visuals while your account manager updates pricing — both working simultaneously in the document. No one’s duplicating work or waiting for a handoff.

All feedback is centralized (no email chaos)

Leave comments, make edits, and give (and receive) feedback — all in one place. Proposal software acts as a hub for team input — no more scattered feedback across emails or chat apps.

Let’s say your creative lead drops a note about the design, and the account manager asks for a pricing tweak. You see everything in one glance, make updates, and send the proposal out. Easy.

The feedback loop is simplified

All team feedback is centralized and visible to everyone. No miscommunication, no lost details. Every tweak, suggestion, and change is right there, streamlining the process and ensuring that nothing is missed.

Here’s an example. The marketing team updates the client case study; the finance specialist adjusts the terms, and the project lead signs off on timelines. All changes happen in one doc, with no delays or bottlenecks.

Speed + collaboration = better proposals, faster. 

Benefit #2: Faster client approvals with e-signatures

We’ve all been there — waiting endlessly for a client to sign off on a proposal. It can feel like the whole process is stuck in neutral while you're itching to move forward. 

With e-signatures, that frustration disappears. 

Clients can review, sign, and approve your proposal in just a few clicks, meaning faster approvals, fewer delays, and more deals closed.

Here's how e-signatures transform the way you handle client approvals.

Benefits of using e-signature

No more waiting around for paperwork

Gone are the days of printing, signing, scanning, and emailing back contracts. 

With e-signature tools, everything happens digitally. Clients can approve your proposal right from their phone or laptop, no matter where they are. It’s instant, it’s easy, and it eliminates all the messy back-and-forth that slows down your progress.

For example, let’s say a client is ready to move forward, but they’re traveling. Normally, this would cause delays. 

But with e-signatures, they can open your proposal from their phone, sign it, and you’re good to go — right there from the airport lounge.

Speed up the deal-closing process

Every extra day you wait for a signed proposal is a day your project isn’t moving forward. With built-in e-signatures, you can cut that time drastically. 

Clients get the proposal, sign off immediately, and you can start on the project faster. 

This kind of speed keeps your momentum going and shows clients you’re organized and efficient.

Here’s how it works.

After sending a proposal, the client receives an email alert. They review, sign the document digitally, and you get notified in real-time. Instead of waiting days (or worse, weeks), the entire process is done in under an hour. 

The result? Faster deal closures and more time to focus on the next client.

Convenience that clients appreciate

Let’s be honest: clients are busy. 

Between meetings, projects, and their own deadlines, the last thing they want is to deal with complicated paperwork. 

E-signatures make it easy. Clients can sign proposals wherever they are—at home, in the office, or on the go. By making their lives easier, you’re not only speeding up the approval process but also showing them that you value their time.

Let’s say your client gets a notification while they’re in between meetings. 

With just a few taps on their phone, they sign off on the proposal and send it back. The convenience means they’ll likely approve faster, helping you keep the project moving forward.

Create a professional, seamless experience

Using e-signatures is all about creating a smooth, professional experience from start to finish. 

Everything happens in one place: the proposal, the signature, and the approval. This seamless process reflects well on your agency, showing clients you’re organized and on top of every detail.

Instead of multiple emails, printouts, and scattered communication, your client signs the proposal directly within the document. It’s a polished, efficient process that leaves a great impression. 

And once they sign, you’re notified instantly, keeping things moving without delays.

The bottom line is — e-signatures make client approvals faster, easier, and more professional.

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Benefit #3: Client engagement tracking

Picture this: You’ve sent out a killer proposal, but now you're stuck in the dark — no idea if the client even opened it, let alone which parts grabbed their attention. 

Enter client engagement tracking

With proposal software, you gain instant visibility into when your proposal is opened, how it’s being interacted with, and which sections are getting the most eyeballs. 

This isn’t just about tracking; it’s about using data to be strategic, timely, and super effective in your follow-ups. 

Here’s how engagement tracking gives you a serious edge.

You’ll know exactly when your proposal is opened

No more wondering if your proposal is collecting dust in someone’s inbox. 

With engagement tracking, you can see the exact moment a client opens your proposal. 

This info lets you time your follow-up perfectly — no more awkward, premature emails or calls. You’ll know the client is already thinking about you.

Here’s how it usually plays out.

You send out a proposal, and later that afternoon, you get a notification: the client just opened it. 

That’s your cue to follow up. 

A quick message asking if they have any questions shows you’re proactive and attentive — while the proposal is still top of mind for them. 

This kind of timing makes you look organized and on the ball.

You’ll see which section captures the most attention

Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly which parts of your proposal clients care about most? 

With engagement analytics, you can track how long they spend on each section. Maybe they skimmed the intro but spent five minutes on pricing. 

This is gold for crafting a follow-up focusing on the sections they care about most.

Here’s an example.

Your client spends a lot of time on the ROI section but barely glances at the deliverables. Now you know their main concern is the return on investment

So, when you follow up, you focus on how your solution drives value and boosts ROI — because that’s what’s important to them.

You can gauge client interest levels

Tracking client engagement goes beyond knowing that they opened the proposal. 

It shows how deeply they’re engaged. Did they just glance at it, or are they spending significant time reviewing every detail? 

This gives you a clear picture of where they stand — whether they’re ready to move forward or if you need to provide more clarity before sealing the deal.

Here’s how it usually goes. 

You see that the client opened the proposal three times in two days, spending considerable time in the pricing section each time. That’s a strong signal they’re interested but might have concerns. 

Instead of a generic follow-up, you address pricing directly, reassuring them about your flexible payment options. This tailored approach shows you’re listening and ready to work with them.

You can now do data-driven follow-ups

Here’s the real beauty of engagement tracking: it allows you to make data-driven follow-ups that feel personal, not pushy. 

Instead of guessing what to say, you can base your approach on actual client behavior. If they’ve spent more time on pricing, you can reach out to discuss that. If they’ve focused on timelines, you can address that directly. 

It’s all about making your follow-ups more relevant and targeted.

Here’s an example.

A client has reviewed the proposal several times but seems to be stuck on the project timeline section. You follow up by highlighting your project management process, explaining how you ensure timely delivery, and providing more detail on the proposed schedule. 

This level of personalization makes your follow-up feel thoughtful and tailored — showing the client you’re paying attention to their needs.

In short, engagement tracking gives you the power to follow up with precision. 

You’ll know exactly when clients open your proposal and which sections they’re most focused on — so you can tailor your approach, answer questions they haven’t even asked yet, and close deals faster. It’s like having a cheat sheet for proposal success.

Benefit #4: Automating follow-ups and reminders

Staying on top of follow-ups can be one of the most frustrating parts of client communication. 

In a busy agency environment, it’s all too easy for follow-up emails to slip through the cracks — and that means potential deals could fall through. 

Luckily, automated follow-up reminders take the pressure off, ensuring that you’re consistently engaging with clients without the stress of manually keeping track. 

Here’s how automation can make sure you never miss an opportunity again.

You can keep the conversation going — without the effort

Manually tracking every single follow-up is time-consuming and — let’s be honest — easy to forget when you’re juggling multiple clients and projects. 

Automated reminders handle that for you. 

Whether a client hasn’t responded to your proposal or it’s time to check in after sending over some project details, automated follow-ups send timely nudges to keep the conversation going.

Let’s go with a quick example. 

You send a proposal to a client and set an automated reminder to follow up three days later if there’s no response. The system does the work for you, sending a friendly reminder to the client’s inbox, ensuring they don’t forget — and neither do you. 

All without you having to lift a finger.

You’ll reduce the risk of lost leads

Lost leads can cost your agency serious business. 

When a client goes silent, it’s easy to assume they’re no longer interested, but more often than not, they’re just busy. 

Consistent follow-up can make all the difference. Automated reminders help prevent potential deals from slipping through the cracks by making sure you’re always top of mind for your prospects.

Here’s an example.

After sending a proposal, the client is interested but gets swamped with other priorities. 

An automated follow-up reminder pings them a week later, bringing your proposal back to their attention. 

That follow-up could be the difference between them moving forward or forgetting altogether — keeping you in the game without having to manually chase them down.

You’ll save time and focus on strategy

The best part of automating follow-ups? It frees up your time

Instead of constantly monitoring which clients need a nudge, you can set up the system and let it do the heavy lifting. This allows you to focus on more strategic tasks, like building relationships with new clients, refining your proposals, and delivering great results.

Instead of spending hours tracking who needs a follow-up email, you’ve got automation working in the background. 

While the system sends reminders to clients, you’re busy perfecting strategies and working on the next big pitch. 

It’s like having an extra team member focused solely on keeping deals alive.

In short, automating follow-ups helps marketing agencies stay on top of communication and keeps potential deals alive.

Customizing proposals for marketing agencies

Marketing agencies need proposals that speak directly to their clients’ specific needs — without the hassle of recreating documents from scratch every time. 

Proposal software makes this easy by offering powerful customization features that let you adapt quickly while keeping your branding and structure consistent.

From building a library of customizable templates to achieving personalization without extra effort, these tools allow you to create proposals that not only impress but also save you valuable time.

In the next sections, we’ll explore how these features work together to help you simplify proposal creation and make each proposal feel uniquely tailored—without sacrificing speed or quality.

Customizable templates

Marketing agencies can save valuable time by using customizable templates to build a library of pre-approved content that’s easily adaptable to different clients. 

Whether it’s adjusting the project scope, deliverables, or pricing, templates help maintain consistency while allowing for flexibility.

The best route to take is to create a content library of essential sections like pricing, service descriptions, and case studies. Instead of drafting from scratch, you can pull from this library, ensuring that your proposals are consistent and professional, while still quickly tailoring them to fit each client.

Have a core digital marketing package for eCommerce clients? 

Use a pre-approved template and simply tweak it to fit each new client’s unique goals.

Personalization without extra effort

Personalizing proposals is essential for marketing agencies, but doing it manually can take too much time. 

With proposal software, you can easily integrate client-specific data into your templates, making every proposal feel custom-built — without slowing you down.

Instead of manually updating each proposal, you can automatically pull in client details like their name, company, and goals. This gives your proposals a personal touch while saving valuable time.

Here’s an example.

When sending a proposal to a healthcare client, your template can automatically populate their name, industry pain points, and relevant case studies. You get a personalized proposal in minutes without starting from scratch.

And no — automating personalization doesn’t mean losing the human touch

You can still add relevant testimonials, case studies, or specific goals, ensuring that every proposal feels tailored while keeping your workflow efficient. Sweet!

The difference between a generic proposal and a personalized proposal

How proposal software impacts your bottom line?

Investing in proposal software isn’t just about streamlining your workflow — it’s about boosting your marketing agency’s bottom line. 

Through improvement of the quality of your proposals, reducing the time it takes to create them, and increasing your chances of closing deals — proposal software has a direct impact on your revenue. 

For marketing agencies, the ability to deliver faster, more accurate proposals means more satisfied clients, more signed contracts, and, ultimately, more business growth.

Close more deals than ever before

Speed and accuracy can make or break a deal. Proposal software helps marketing agencies create faster, more accurate proposals, directly leading to closing more deals and increasing revenue.

You already know — clients expect quick responses, especially when comparing agencies.

If you’re the first to send a polished, accurate proposal that meets a client’s needs, you’re more likely to keep their attention and win the contract.

And if your proposals contain errors, such as incorrect pricing or timelines, your credibility can be damaged. 

Instead of back-and-forth corrections, your accurate proposal helps the client make a quicker decision, increasing your chances of closing the deal.

In short, faster, error-free proposals give you a competitive edge, helping you close more deals and grow your business.

Keep your proposals error-free

Proposal mistakes — like incorrect pricing or missing details — can damage your agency’s reputation and delay deals. 

Proposal software helps you avoid these errors through automated calculations and built-in templates, ensuring each proposal is accurate and professional.

Firstly, manual calculations are prone to errors, especially when dealing with complex pricing. 

Proposal software automates these calculations, ensuring your numbers — whether it’s pricing, discounts, or totals — are always correct.

Secondly, templates help ensure every proposal has a consistent structure, presenting your agency as polished and professional — no matter how many proposals you send.

Why Propoze is the right solution for marketing agencies?

Marketing agencies need tools that are fast, efficient, and flexible enough to handle the demands of multiple clients

Propoze delivers exactly that. 

From customizable templates that ensure every proposal is polished and professional, to automated features that save you time and reduce errors, Propoze is built to simplify your entire proposal process.

Whether you’re looking to close deals faster, personalize proposals with ease, or eliminate the risks of human error, Propoze offers the features you need to grow your agency and win more clients. 

Plus, its collaborative tools ensure your team stays in sync.

Ready to see how Propoze can transform your proposal process? 

Sign up for a free account and experience the difference for yourself. Don’t let proposal creation slow you down — let Propoze help you work smarter, not harder.